Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (2024)


  • 1 Meet Your Remote
  • 2 Turn On Your Remote
  • 3 Program Your Remote To Control Your Set-Top Box
  • 4 Pair Remote for "Aim Anywhere" Control
  • 5 Control Your TV's Power and Volume
  • 6 Documents / Resources
    • 6.1 References
    • 6.2 Download manual

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (1)

Meet Your Remote

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (2)

  1. All Power
  2. TV Power
  3. TV Input
    Changes to the next available input on your TV (if programmed in Step 4)
  4. Search
    Discover content by channel, program or key words.
  5. XFINITY/Menu
    Access Guide, Saved, XFINITY On Demand, Apps, Search and Settings.
  6. Number Keys
  7. Swap
    Switches between two DVR tuners so you can control playback of two channels.
  8. Setup
    Program remote for Aim Anywhere or to control your TV or audio device.

Turn On Your Remote

Install batteries in the remote and turn on your devices.

  1. To set up your remote, first install AA batteries (sold separately). The All Power key will blink green four times as the remote powers up (about 5 seconds).
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (3)
  2. Turn on your TV.
  3. Turn on your cable box.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (4)

Program Your Remote To Control Your Set-Top Box

Your remote is preprogrammed to operate XFINITY cable boxes. If you are using the remote for control of a non-XFINITY cable box, you may need to program the remote for the Motorola or Cisco mode. Follow the steps below to program your remote.

  1. Press the Setup button until the All Power key on the remote changes from red to green.
  2. Press B for control of a Motorola brand cable box; press C for control of a Cisco or Scientific-Atlanta brand cable box.
    Note: If you need to re-program the remote for control of an XFINITY cable box, repeat the steps above and press A in step 2.
  3. Press the XFINITY key to check that your remote controls your set-top box. If it does, you're all set. If not, repeat these steps but press C for Cisco mode or A for XFINITY mode in step B.
    Once the code is correctly entered, your XFINITY Remote is paired with the device.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (5)

Pair Remote for "Aim Anywhere" Control

Control your cable box without having to point at it, even when it is inside a cabinet or entertainment center.
Aim Anywhere is only supported on certain XFINITY cable boxes. To see if your cable box supports Aim Anywhere control visit

  1. Press the Setup button until the All Power key on the remote changes from red to green.
  2. Press the XFINITY button.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (6)
  3. Follow the on-screen instruction to enter the 3-digit code that appears.
    Once the code is correctly entered, your XFINITY Remote is paired with the device.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (7)
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (8) Not working? Make sure to install batteries in the remote, check that your TV is on and that you are entering the correct 3-digit code on your TV screen.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (9) Need to remove Aim Anywhere control? Press and hold the Setup button on the remote until the status LED changes from red to green. Press A on the remote. If the status LED blinks green twice, you have successfully removed Aim Anywhere.

Control Your TV's Power and Volume

  1. Using the list on the right, find the first 5-digit code for your TV manufacturer.
  2. Press and hold the Setup button (about 3 seconds) until the Status LED changes from red to green.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (10)
  3. Enter in the first 5-digit code for you TV manufacturer. The Status LED should blink green twice.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (11)
  4. Verify that the code was accepted by using your remote to adjust volume and turn the TV on and off.
    Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (12)
Popular TV Manufacturer Codes
Emerson 11864, 10171
Insignia 12049, 11641
JVC 11774, 12321
LG 12731, 10178
Magnavox 10054, 12597
Panasonic 11480, 10051
Philips 11867, 12597
RCA 10047, 11447
Samsung 12051, 10702
Sanyo 10154, 11142
Sharp 10093, 12360
Sony 10810, 11685
Toshiba 10156, 11524
VIZIO 11758, 12707
Westinghouse 11712, 13579
If your code isn't listed or you would like to control an audio device, visit

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (13) Not working? Try the second code listed. Still not working? Visit for a complete list of codes or use the My Account app for mobile (iOS/Android) or X1.

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (14)
Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (15)

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (16)

Documents / Resources


Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual

Comcast Xfinity XR2 - Remote Control Start Manual (2024)


How to program Xfinity XR2 remote control? ›

Pair to a TV Box
  1. While the TV is on, press and hold the Setup button on the remote for three seconds until the All Power button changes from red to green.
  2. Enter the first five-digit code listed for the TV manufacturer. Note: The All Power button should blink twice.
  3. Aim the remote at the TV, and press the Power button.

How do I get my Comcast remote to turn on my TV? ›

  1. Turn on your TV.
  2. Press and hold the xfinity and Mute buttons together for five seconds until the light at the top changes from red to green.
  3. Type the first five-digit code for the TV manufacturer. If the remote light blinks green twice, the code is correct. ...
  4. Aim the remote at the TV, and press the Power button.

What are the ABCD buttons on the Xfinity XR2 remote? ›

Shortcut keys (A, B, C, D)
  • A: Accesses the Help menu.
  • B: The B button can be used to bring up the Accessibility Settings menu. Learn more about the Accessibility Settings Menu. ...
  • C: When viewing live TV, use the C button to follow all games on TV with the X1 Sports App. ...
  • D:

What do the buttons mean on Xfinity remote? ›

Play/Pause: Play or pause live TV, Xfinity On Demand, or DVR content. FF: Fast forward Xfinity On Demand or DVR content. Rew: Rewind Xfinity On Demand or DVR content. VOL: When the Voice Remote is paired with a valid TV or AV receiver code, the VOL+ and VOL- buttons increase or decrease the volume.

How do I resync my Xfinity remote? ›

Press and hold the xfinity and Info buttons for five seconds. Wait for the Voice Remote light to change from red to green. Follow the instructions by entering the three-digit, on-screen pairing code. Once the on-screen pairing code is correctly entered, your Voice Remote is paired with the TV Box.

How do I get my Comcast remote to work again? ›

Press the Setup button until the LED at the top of the remote changes from red to green. Press 9-8-1. The LED will blink green twice to indicate that the remote was reset.

How to navigate the Xfinity remote? ›

Navigate the Guide Grid

To access the guide grid, press the Guide button on the remote control. To navigate up and down the channel listings in the guide: Use the up arrow and down arrow buttons to move one channel at a time. Use the Page Up and Page Down buttons to move several channels at a time.

Why won't my Comcast remote change the channel? ›

If the channels do not change, there may be a problem with your TV Box and not with the remote. If the channels do change, or you are unable to change the channels due to a lack of buttons on your TV Box, try to program your Comcast remote. Manually restart the TV Box.

How to program favorite channels on xfinity remote? ›

Add a Channel to Favorites

Go to the channel you want to add to Favorites. Press the left arrow button on the remote to highlight the channel and press OK. Use the right arrow button to highlight Favorite. Press OK on the remote to add the channel as a Favorite.

How to use menu button on Xfinity remote? ›

To access the Main Menu, press the xfinity button on your remote. Then, use the left arrow button or the right arrow button to browse through the menu. Choose from any of the following and press the OK button: Notifications: If you have new, unread notifications, a blue dot will appear above this icon.

What is the restart button on Xfinity remote? ›

Press the A button on your remote control to access the Help menu. Press the OK button to select the Restart tile. Press the OK button again to select Restart. It may take a few moments for the TV Box to restart.

Does Xfinity have a remote control for seniors? ›

The large-button remote is a third-party device that delivers improved readability of the remote keys and may be easier to use for our customers who are elderly, blind or have low vision or a visual disability and other customers with disabilities.

Why can't I change the channels on my Xfinity remote? ›

If the channels do not change, there may be a problem with your TV Box and not with the remote. If the channels do change, or you are unable to change the channels due to a lack of buttons on your TV Box, try to program your Comcast remote. Manually restart the TV Box.

How do I pair my xr16 remote? ›

With the TV on, point the remote at the Ignite Entertainment Box. Press and hold the Voice Control (mic) button until an on-screen message comes up. Follow the steps on-screen to pair the remote.

How to program any remote to a TV without code? ›


Press and release the correct device button on your remote for the device you're connecting. For example, if you're connecting to a TV, press the TV button. Now press the power button and the device button simultaneously. Hold until the power light on the device turns off and then back on.

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.