7. Unicode encodings — Programming with Unicode (2024)

7.1. UTF-8

UTF-8 is a multibyte encoding able to encode the whole Unicode charset. Anencoded character takes between 1 and 4 bytes. UTF-8 encoding supports longerbyte sequences, up to 6 bytes, but the biggest code point of Unicode 6.0(U+10FFFF) only takes 4 bytes.

It is possible to be sure that a byte string is encoded toUTF-8, because UTF-8 adds markers to each byte. For the first byte of amultibyte character, bit 7 and bit 6 are set (0b11xxxxxx); the next byteshave bit 7 set and bit 6 unset (0b10xxxxxx).

Another cool feature of UTF-8 is that it has noendianness (it can be read in big or little endian order, it does not matter).Another advantage of UTF-8 is that most C bytesfunctions are compatible with UTF-8 encoded strings (e.g. strcat() orprintf()), whereas they fail with UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoded stringsbecause these encodings encode small codes with nul bytes.

The problem with UTF-8, if you compare it to ASCII or ISO 8859-1, is that it isa multibyte encoding: you cannot access a character by its character indexdirectly, you have to iterate on each character because each character may havea different length in bytes. If getting a character by its index is a commonoperation in your program, use a character string instead of aUTF-8 encoded string.

See also

Non-strict UTF-8 decoder and Is UTF-8?.

7.2. UCS-2, UCS-4, UTF-16 and UTF-32

UCS-2 and UCS-4 encodings encode each code point to exactly one unitof, respectivelly, 16 and 32 bits. UCS-4 is able to encode all Unicode 6.0code points, whereas UCS-2 is limited to BMP characters. Theseencodings are practical because the length in units is the number ofcharacters.

UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings use, respectively, 16 and 32 bits units.UTF-16 encodes code points bigger than U+FFFF using two units: asurrogate pair. UCS-2 can be decoded from UTF-16. UTF-32is also supposed to use more than one unit for big code points, but inpractice, it only requires one unit to store all code points of Unicode 6.0.That’s why UTF-32 and UCS-4 are the same encoding.


Word size

Unicode support


16 bits

BMP only


16 bits



32 bits



32 bits


Windows 95 uses UCS-2, whereas Windows 2000 uses UTF-16.


UCS stands for Universal Character Set, and UTF stands for UCSTransformation format.

7.3. UTF-7

The UTF-7 encoding is similar to the UTF-8 encoding, except thatit uses 7 bits units instead of 8 bits units. It is used for example in emailswith server which are not “8 bits clean”.

7.4. Byte order marks (BOM)

UTF-16 and UTF-32 use units bigger than 8 bits,and so are sensitive to endianness. A single unit can be stored as big endian (mostsignificant bits first) or little endian (less significant bits first). BOMis a short byte sequence to indicate the encoding and the endian. It’s theU+FEFF code point encoded with the given UTF encoding.

Unicode defines 6 different BOM:




0x2B 0x2F 0x76 0x38 0x2D (5 bytes)



0xEF 0xBB 0xBF (3)



0xFF 0xFE (2)


little endian

0xFE 0xFF (2)


big endian

0xFF 0xFE 0x00 0x00 (4)


little endian

0x00 0x00 0xFE 0xFF (4)


big endian

UTF-32-LE BOMs starts with UTF-16-LE BOM.

“UTF-16” and “UTF-32” encoding names are imprecise: depending of the context,format or protocol, it means UTF-16 and UTF-32 with BOM markers, or UTF-16 andUTF-32 in the host endian without BOM. On Windows, “UTF-16” usually meansUTF-16-LE.

Some Windows applications, like notepad.exe, use UTF-8 BOM, whereas manyapplications are unable to detect the BOM, and so the BOM causes trouble.UTF-8 BOM should not be used for better interoperability.

7.5. UTF-16 surrogate pairs

Surrogates are characters in the Unicode range U+D800—U+DFFF (2,048 codepoints): it is also the Unicode category“surrogate” (Cs). The range is composed of two parts:

  • U+D800—U+DBFF (1,024 code points): high surrogates

  • U+DC00—U+DFFF (1,024 code points): low surrogates

In UTF-16, characters in ranges U+0000—U+D7FF and U+E000—U+FFFDare stored as a single 16 bits unit. Non-BMP characters (rangeU+10000—U+10FFFF) are stored as “surrogate pairs”, two 16 bits units: ahigh surrogate (in range U+D800—U+DBFF) followed by a low surrogate (in rangeU+DC00—U+DFFF). A lone surrogate character is invalid in UTF-16, surrogatecharacters are always written as pairs (high followed by low).

Examples of surrogate pairs:


Surrogate pair


{U+D800, U+DC00}


{U+D803, U+DE6D}


{U+D834, U+DD1E}




U+10FFFF is the highest code point encodable to UTF-16 and the highest codepoint of the Unicode Character Set 6.0. The {U+DBFF, U+DFFF}surrogate pair is the last available pair.

An UTF-8 or UTF-32 encoder should not encodesurrogate characters (U+D800—U+DFFF), see Non-strict UTF-8 decoder.

C functions to create a surrogate pair (encode toUTF-16) and to join a surrogate pair (decode from UTF-16):

#include <stdint.h>voidencode_utf16_pair(uint32_t character, uint16_t *units){ unsigned int code; assert(0x10000 <= character && character <= 0x10FFFF); code = (character - 0x10000); units[0] = 0xD800 | (code >> 10); units[1] = 0xDC00 | (code & 0x3FF);}uint32_tdecode_utf16_pair(uint16_t *units){ uint32_t code; assert(0xD800 <= units[0] && units[0] <= 0xDBFF); assert(0xDC00 <= units[1] && units[1] <= 0xDFFF); code = 0x10000; code += (units[0] & 0x03FF) << 10; code += (units[1] & 0x03FF); return code;}
7. Unicode encodings — Programming with Unicode (2024)
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